
Release procedure

Clone latest Github release to a new compdb-dist directory:

git clone compdb-dist
cd compdb-dist

Increment version

Increment version in compdb/

Run tests

Run test suite:

tox --skip-missing-interpreters

README validation for PyPI:

python --long-description | > /tmp/output.html
chromium /tmp/output.html

Install locally for following tests:

rm -rf .venv-release
virtualenv .venv-release
source .venv-release/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Regression tests:

source .venv-release/bin/activate
pushd tests/regression/headerdb
make clean
make all

Packaging tests (requires Docker):

./tests/integration/docker/ \

Contrib scripts:

source .venv-release/bin/activate

Make git tag

COMPDB_VERSION=$(python compdb version --short)
echo "tagging $COMPDB_VERSION"
git tag -a v$COMPDB_VERSION -m "compdb $COMPDB_VERSION"
git push --follow-tags


  • Use annotated tags, lightweight tags aren’t appropriate for releases, they are for local development. Annotated tags can have author, date and message. They are shown by default when using git describe, that is not the case for lightweight tags. However, regarding the message, it seems a bit useful, at least the way it is used by many projects in the wild: “version X.Y.Z”, “project X.Y.Z”, “X.Y.Z”, … It could make sense to use an empty message -m ''. Alternatively they could be use to contain the release notes but there are no official format (e.g. Markdown), so this may better be in the project’s documentation. On Github, release notes, have to be written manually anyway:

  • Using --follow-tags will only push annotated tags, that are reacheable (an ancestor) from the pushed commits.

  • Potential improvement, sign releases:

Make pretty release note on Github release page:

Publish on Pypi

One time configuration, steps to do again only if the release environment changes.

Create a ~/.pypirc with this content:


username = Sarcasm

Make sure to remove any resident packages:

rm -rf dist/*

Build source distribution and universal wheel:

source .venv-release/bin/activate
pip install wheel
python sdist bdist_wheel

Upload packages:

source .venv-release/bin/activate
pip install twine
twine upload dist/*